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Fast Forward

Participants of the Fast Forward Festival Forum

Participating ETC member theatres

National Theatre of Greece
Artistic Direction: Yannis Moschos

National Theatre of Brittany
Artistic Direction: Arthur Nauzyciel

National Theatre „Lucian Blaga“ Cluj-Napoca
Artistic Direction: Ştefana Pop-Curşeu

Slovak National Theatre
Artistic Direction of the Drama Department: Miriam Kičiňová

Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica
Artistic Direction: Marko Bratuš

Dresden State Theatre
Artistic Direction: Joachim Klement

Students & Graduates from the following theatre academies will participate in the Forum

Dimitrios Tsikouras, Student at the Directing Department of the Drama School of the National Theatre of Greece

Louis Atlan, Graduate of the Drama School of the National Theatre of Brittany

Mihai Gligan, Master Student at the Directing Department of the Faculty of Theatre and Film, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

Katarina Jungová, Student at the Department of Dramaturgy of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava

Mojca Madon, Graduate & Master Student at the Directing Department of the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT) in Ljubljana, Slovenia

Nathalie Rosenbaum, Student at the Directing Department of the Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts in Berlin

Participating theatre professionals

Matuš Benža, Dean of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava

Eleni Efthimiou, Theatre Director, Author, Performer, Soprano, Theatre Composer & permanent collaborator of EN DYNAMEI Theatre Ensemble, a mixed group of artists with and without disabilities. In the season 23/24 Eleni Efthimiou is artist in residence at the National Theatre of Greece.

Mihai Filip Odangiu, Associate Professor for teaching activities and organization of actings studies at the Faculty of Theatre and Film at the Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca & Founder of the Centrul de Creatie Maidan, a networking and production platform for young artists

Christy Romer, Communication Manager of the European Theatre Convention

Fast Forward Festival Forum European Theatre Convention
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