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What does theatre mean in times of war?

Directing & Text

Evangelos Kosmidis, Andrii Palatny

Report on a theatre play with young people from Mariupol


A talk with Evangelos Kosmidis and Andrii Palatnyi

at the Fast Forward Festival workshop in 2021, Greek director Evangelos Kosmidis and Andrii Palatnyi, curator of the Ukrainian Dakh Theater and Gogolfest, created a theatre project with 16 young people, commissioned by the city of Mariupol: ALASKA, a play about the search for happiness in a violent world. Even then the texts by the young people were strongly marked by their experience of violence. Their home towns and their theatres have now been destroyed by the Russian invasion. How can the group continue? How do they stay in contact? How can they find a space for themselves? A place that gives them strength?

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